12 Jul 2022

Meet Six-Year-Old Said Ali: Building his Computer Literacy Skills Early

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InABLE Admin
Two small black boys, wearing blue short sleeve shirts, reach up to touch computer keyboard
Said Ali and his friend Ernest Marata learning keyboard during computer lesson.

Said Ali was born blind. He started showing interest in attending computer classes at an early age. By the time he was six years old, he had already decided that he wanted to learn all there was to know about computers. “Of all the subjects, I love computers more.”

Perhaps it is this passion that makes Said such a fast learner. As young as he is, Said can read and identify all keys on the keyboard, the types of keys and parts of the computer, and their functions.

Watching him stretch his tiny body to reach the keyboard on the table and skillfully punch the letters is fascinating. He also plays a role in teaching other classmates keyboard skills.

Our aim as computer instructors is to continue to ensure that his love for computer lessons never fades. His interest in learning computers will help him progress in his studies. Said wishes to be a lawyer when he grows up.

It is good that Said has started learning computer skills early. It is common knowledge that children absorb information much more quickly than adults, and as their brains develop and take in new information as they grow, so will their skills. Not to mention that programming teaches children how to solve problems methodically by teaching them to approach problems step by step.

Written by: Eunice Kilungu, Likoni Station Computer Instructor

20 Jun 2022

inABLE Coders Showcase their Skills

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