26 Sep 2023

Blind students experience an airplane for the first time and explore opportunities in the aviation industry  

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inABLE in partnership with Kenya Airways (KQ) on September 8, 2023, made it possible for 40 blind and low-vision students in Class Eight (Class of 2023) and their teachers from Thika Primary School for the Blind were treated to an educational field trip to experience an airplane for the first time. This was also a chance for them to explore available #career opportunities in the #aviation industry as well as interact with pilots, engineers, cabin crew, HR, and model aircraft and drones.  

Caption: A photo of students touching and feeling a drone 

For these students and their teachers, the notion of stepping foot onto an airplane was not merely an outing; it was a dream turned into reality. Their adventure began aboard a Boeing flight, where they found themselves not just passengers but explorers of potential #careers in the #aviation industry. Surrounded by the hum of engines and the scent of adventure, the students had the rare privilege of interacting with pilots, engineers, cabin crew, HR professionals, and even delving into the realm of model aircraft and drones. 

Caption: A photo of the students interacting with the engine 

The highlight of the day? A moment with the pilot who, with infinite patience, guided them through the intricate workings of an airplane, turning what seemed complex into tactile comprehension. The cabin crew, no less enthusiastic, played gracious hosts, unraveling the mysteries of airplane anatomy and functionality. To cap it off, the students were invited to touch a drone, demystifying the art of piloting through a transmitter.  

As the students fired off questions faster than a jet taking off, the enthusiasm was infectious: 

“How does the small vehicle guide the big airplane when it’s landing? “   

“Will we get a chance to go to the cockpit to see how pilot planes?”  

“How much time before takeoff? How did you determine Kenya airspace & other airspace? How do you determine logistics when a plane has an issue landing?” 

“Will KQ provide a guide to help VIP check in at airport to the destination, say, if I was invited for the next Climate Summit outside Kenya?” 

“Is there a separate section for PWDs in the plane because some PWDs come with a wheelchair? Do they get priority service?” 

“What is the difference between an airplane that brings goods to people & and the other types of airplanes?”  

“The airstrip has weather instruments like weather socket and wind vane. What role do these instruments play and how do they assist?” 

The aviation experts responded with patience and passion, planting seeds of inspiration in the fertile minds of these curious minds. 

Post-field trip, the echoes of awe and gratitude reverberated. Mr. John Musau, a teacher, voiced the sentiments of many: “This is a dream come true. All my life, I never thought I would experience such a day. This has been a fantastic day that I will never forget.” 

Maron Murimi, a low-vision student, dreamily shared, “It was my first time feeling and seeing an aircraft. I hope to work at KQ one day.” 

Bianca Chacha, wide-eyed with newfound knowledge, exclaimed, “I knew planes are parked in a garage, but surprisingly I learned that they are parked in a hanger. It was such a great day.” 

Caption: A photo of the pilot showing a student how to fly an airplane through touch and feel experience.

The significance of exposure cannot be overstated. This day not only broadened their horizons but also kindled aspirations beyond their immediate surroundings. inABLE extends heartfelt gratitude to KQ for igniting these sparks of ambition. 

inABLE extends an invitation to corporates to join hands in this noble endeavor. Together, let’s unveil a world of opportunities for these young minds. Reach out via e-mail at a11y@inable.org or through a call at +254-746-530-212. The sky is no longer the limit; it’s the beginning.  

Caption: A group photo of the students and their teachers outside a Boeing KQ airplane 

Written by: Esther Mwangi and Carol Ngondi

31 Aug 2023

How to use Audio Description correctly

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